Friederike Baer, Ph.D. Division Head, Arts and Humanities Professor, History Early American History, Public History, American Studies 215-881-7593 Sutherland, 119
Gary Calore, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philosophy, American Studies Associate Professor, Health Humanities Sutherland, 417
Thomas Heise, Ph.D. Program Chair, English Associate Professor, American Studies Associate Professor, English 215-881-7300 Sutherland
Liliana Naydan, Ph.D. (She, Her, Hers) Associate Professor, English Associate Professor, American Studies Coordinator, Writing Program Sutherland, 333
David Ruth, Ph.D. Program Chair, American Studies Program Chair, History Associate Professor, History Associate Professor, American Studies Program Coordinator, Honors Sutherland, 412
Dr. Yelana Sims (She, Her, Hers) Assistant Professor of African American Studies, American Studies Assistant Professor of African American Studies, Race and Ethnic Studies Sutherland , 305A